Sargans Castle is a symbol of the Sarganserland-Werdenberg region. The medieval walls tell the culture and history of the region, which are of national importance. Currently, a restaurant and a museum are located inside. The municipality, region and canton agree: Sargans Castle has much more potential. A specialist group is therefore working on a new utilisation concept. The focus is on the population. They are asked to participate in the discussion on how Sargans Castle should continue to be used.
Workshops for the general public have been planned since November, but have had to be postponed for the second time because of Corona. All interested groups will now be able to participate in an event in June. Four possible scenarios are the basis for discussion. These range from a more contemporary museum to luxury gastronomy to an open space for events or the integration of the UNESCO World Heritage Tectonic Arena Sardona. "But new ideas are also very welcome," emphasises project manager Sara Smidt Bill, "Sargans Castle should connect people and convey history and culture in a lively way!"
In order to get a first impression of the experiences and wishes in the meantime, the project group has developed a questionnaire. The answers should provide information about the previous as well as future use. "Everyone who is interested in the castle is addressed," says Sara Smidt Bill, "young and old, old residents and newcomers, creative people, fans as well as sceptics! The questionnaire can be filled out at Zukunft Schloss Sargans Survey (