An overarching, networked approach to planning
The Spatial Development Specialist Group is responsible for discussing and planning how the region’s land should be allocated and developed for specific functions.
Under a service agreement with the Office for Spatial Development and Geoinformation St. Gallen (AREG SG), the Sarganserland-Werdenberg Regional Association ensures that regional development activities take place in accordance with the cantonal construction laws and guiding plan. The Specialist Group is responsible for drafting opinions on guiding plans drawn up by local municipalities and neighbouring cantons, as well as on sectoral plans and concepts drawn up by the Confederation.
The Development Specialist Group also ensures that the region is involved in shaping the basis for the cantonal-level guiding plan. Its members are committed to working proactively and closely with the Werdenberg-Liechtenstein Agglomeration Association (Verein Agglomeration Werdenberg-Liechtenstein), focusing on housing and transport-related issues.
Projects/key theme
- Updating the Regional Spatial Development Master Plan (MRE)
- Pilot region for the Developing Strategic Workplaces (STAST) scheme
- Complete a thorough review of the St. Gallen construction laws, including drawing up a Regional Model Building Regulation
- Daniel Gut (Chairman ad interim), Mayor of Buchs
- Daniel Bühler, Mayor of Bad Ragaz
- Guido Fischer, Mayor of Mels
- Bernhard Lenherr, Mayor of Vilters-Wangs
- Niklaus Lippuner, Mayor of Grabs