Arbeitsuchende aus einem anderen Schweizer Kanton benötigen keine spezielle Bewilligung, um in der Region zu arbeiten. EU/EFTA-Staatsangehörige können zur Stellensuche in die Schweiz einreisen. Für einen Aufenthalt bis zu drei Monaten ist keine Bewilligung erforderlich. Für längere Aufenthalte benötigen sie eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung. Die Meldung muss vor Antritt der Stelle bei der Wohngemeinde erfolgen. Weitere Auskünfte erteilt das Einwohneramt der Wohnortgemeinde.
They are very good. The Interregio IR13 train service runs every hour, connecting Chur, Sargans, Buchs, St. Gallen and Zurich. St. Gallen’s S4 circular suburban train route runs every 30 minutes, stopping in many places along the way. The various municipalities are themselves connected with nearby areas, other municipalities and surrounding valleys via a comprehensive bus network. The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) runs services connecting Buchs, Sargans and the region as a whole with Vienna and Zurich. Cycle paths are clearly marked in all local municipalities, and the network is continually expanding.
The local unemployment rate is significantly below the Swiss national average. Suitably qualified personnel are always in high demand throughout the St. Gallen Rhine Valley, Sarganserland-Werdenberg and the Principality of Liechtenstein.
Spouses and children of EU-27/EFTA nationals with the right to enter Switzerland under family reunification legislation have a legal right to access the labour market regardless of their nationality. They must report any employment to the relevant cantonal migration authority before starting work.
Employees whose wages are taxed abroad (e.g. people who work in Switzerland but live in a neighbouring country) are subject to withholding tax. Employers are required by law to deduct the tax owed from the employee’s wages and transfer it to the tax authorities. Withholding tax rates vary between cantons.
There are nurseries, childcare facilities, lunch clubs and families that take care of the children during the day available across the region. The various organisations providing additional childcare in the region have come together to form the Werdenberg-Sarganserland Childcare Association. The association aims to make it easier for local residents to combine work and family life.
Local specialities include the maize dish Ribelmais and the local beverage known as Chörbliwasser, which is considered an effective treatment for all sorts of ailments. Sarganserland-Werdenberg is also known for its local agricultural produce, which includes not just fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products, but also bread, beer, wine, spirits and oil. The local Culinarium brand is synonymous with highly profitable agricultural production and short transport routes. It generates significant and reliable added value in the local economy and supports many jobs in the region.