There are a number of projects in the region designed to facilitate integration. Each individual municipality organises a welcome event for new arrivals. The Mintegra Foundation works to help new arrivals from abroad settle in to their new surroundings. Joining a local club or association or taking part in cultural events can also help you to integrate into the local community. The municipalities publish a list of local clubs and associations on their online platforms, as well as a calendar of events.
There is a wide variety of clubs and associations for foreigners throughout the region. They play an important role in integrating foreign nationals into Swiss society. The municipalities publish a list of clubs and associations on their websites.
Thanks to its stunning and varied mountain backdrop, Sarganserland-Werdenberg is a truly outstanding location for hiking, skiing and other outdoor activities. The Walensee is a great venue for water sports, including stand-up paddleboarding and surfing. The Schollberg in Sargans is perfect for rock climbing, and there are a wide variety of mountain bike routes for all abilities. And if that’s not enough, the Rhine and Seez valleys are ideal for running, in-line skating and cycling, too.
The region is home to a wide range of cultural facilities, including theatres, small performance spaces, cinemas and museums. Cultural events take place regularly; highlights include open-air performances on the Walenstadt Lake Stage or on the banks of the Werdenbergersee. Werdenberg Castle and Sargans Castle host various museums and contemporary art exhibitions, as well as hundreds of years of history.
Altes Kino
Schloss Werdenberg
It certainly is! There is a huge range of activities available for families and children. Each of our municipalities is home to plenty of playgrounds and events where families can meet each other. There are also plenty of indoor attractions in the local area, such as the Hüpfburg Sarganserland or the Setzchaschte in Werdenberg. There is a range of courses available for children and their parents, as well as special meetups and other events for young people. Parents can get professional advice free of charge from various local centres.