Imagine you are driving past a motorcycle accident. Next to the injured lie weapons and a suitcase full of money. What would you do? The mobile seamstress "Barbara" pulls out her needle and thread in "Sew Torn:
This short film was already shot in the Tamina Valley in 2019 and forms the basis for the planned international feature film "Sew Torn". The short film version was acquired by Fox Searchlight Pictures (Kick it like Beckham, Slumdog Millionaire) and shown in cinemas in the USA. The 22-year-old Swiss-American director is Freddy Macdonald:
The Tamina Valley could not be a better shooting location for "Sew Torn". For one, it is the perfect visual and serves the story wonderfully. Its steep all encompassing mountain peaks paired with its desolate roads and vistas make it a filmmaking heaven. You can point the camera anywhere and it looks beautiful. And this stunning nature, due to the sheer scale of it all, makes it feel very original and different from anything that could be shot in Los Angeles.
In addition, our incredible St. Gallen born cinematographer and producer Sebastian Klinger knows the valley like the back of his hand. Having shot previous projects in the area, he knew the Tamina Valley would fill the needs of our production and spent years scouting the locations, meeting locals, and preparing.
We couldn’t be more excited to capture the Tamina Valley on camera.
I love the Sarganserland-Werdenberg region very much!! Though I have yet to visit the Tamina spa and the other amazing sights this region has to offer, I hope to finally see it all when we have a break from shooting. My birthday is coming up and I can’t wait to explore the area more. Everything I’ve seen so far has been awesome.
This project could not have been met with more open arms from the residents of the Tamina Valley. Everyone has been so supportive - allowing us to not only shoot in their homes but even providing us with on set food! Even the Tamina spa has provided free tickets to all cast and crew members! We couldn’t be more thankful to everyone for their continued support and belief in the project - it means the world.
The "Sew Torn" short film is the heart of the Sew Torn feature. In fact its reoccurring plot is what drives the larger story. Sew Torn is literally about being ‘so torn’ - to not know what the right decision is to make; to be ‘torn’ or undecided.
Our plan is for the film to be shown internationally starting next year. And of course, we plan to preview the film in Switzerland resp. the region Sarganserland-Werdenberg.
There are many well-known actors in "Sew Torn" from Ireland, the UK, and the U.S. but we have also included extremely talented actors from the region. It’s this mix of nationalities that we find most interesting and compelling.
The short film "Sew Torn" had a theatrical run with the film "Ready or not", therefore qualifying it for Oscar submission. While the film did not make the shortlist, my most recent film Shedding Angels just won a Student Academy Award.
"Sew Torn" is mainly financed by private investors and partner companies such as Bernina. The regional cultural sponsorship Südkultur also supports the project.
All information about Tamina Valley including sightseeing and tourist offers you can find here.