The new welcome sign for the region Werdenberg and Liechtenstein is located before the exit Trübbach and Sennwald. Two colourful pictures can be seen on the approximately 16 square metre board: On the left the “Schlangenhaus” with Werdenberg Castle in the background and on the right the Vaduz Castle. On the old brown welcome board, the Werdenberg Castle and Vaduz Castle were graphically illustrated.
In total, more than 40 boards are exchanged in the canton of St. Gallen. "After more than 20 years, they are in a bad condition. The graphics are outdated, some of them even lose their transparencies," explains the canton of St. Gallen on request. It was already determined that the signs should be replaced in 2012. But the first panels are being replaced today - eight years later. "The process took so long, among other things because the choice of subjects was difficult," is the explanation given
The tourist destinations were allowed to choose the photos, but they also have to pay the signs by themselves. The Federal Roads Office, Astra laid down certain basic conditions to guarantee a standardised appearance, such as the size of the sign, the font or the brownish colour in the pictures. Specifically, there are two types of signs: The welcome sign indicates the beginning of an area with tourism significance. A tourist sign (identifiable by the arrow on the sign) shows the road user where it would be worthwhile to leave the motorway because of tourist attractions. The sight of these important monuments is likely to trigger a sense of home among those returning to the area.
In addition to the welcome sign of the area Werdenberg Liechtenstein, there will also be a tourist sign to the Werdenberg castle and museums. The board shows a view of the small town with the castle in summer and the “Kreuzbergen” in the background. It is planned to be installed at the end of October on the south and north side at the motorway entrance in Buchs.
The welcome board of the area Sarganserland Walensee has already been renewed. There is also a new tourist sign in front of the Bad Ragaz motorway exit for the Pizol ski and hiking area. Further nine signs from Heidiland Tourismus AG will be added by the end of the year.